
spoiling the appetite

I love Ruth Reichl. I really, really do. Beyond just wanting to eat with her (Check out her recent New York Diet for an idea), I just want to hang out with because she seems really hilarious and chill. It wouldn't hurt if she could score me a job at her publication. But this video from Gourmet... Uhh, what?


JBrendan | May 5, 2009 at 11:03 AM

i <3 ruth as well. i hope you've read her three memoirs because they're all wonderful.

this vid however is agonizing to watch. i suspect they want some sort of viral sensation which seems to be the way everyone and their mother is marketing themselves these days. but really, are the readers of gourmet going to be scouring the internet/youtube for a video of ruth reichl dressed as the lead singer from KISS. disturbing.

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