
The one where I pretend to care about Shakespeare

Okay, so term hasn't even started yet (tomorrow!) but already I've been crazy busy, so I won't be able to write much this time either. There are so many things to tell: my fake-British tutor who's actually from Appalachia, Ben the Bartender - my first British "friend", my room overlooking the Thames, and my overenthusiastic embrace of street food in all its greasy glory. (Eww- ME, ME, ME)

All will come in due time. Perhaps when I don't have a paper on The Tempest (UGH) assigned two days ago and due tomorrow! Wish me luck!

Until then, here's my address if you feel so inclined to send me love/money/Adderall/yourself:

C/O The Porter's Lodge
St Catherine's College
Manor Road
United Kingdom

Just don't send me food - my overeating has returned ever since I moved into my room. The ubiquity of salt and vinegar chips and Bueno bars is going to be the downfall of me.

Oh, and comment! Surely some of you are reading this... right?!?


gutturalroar | January 18, 2009 at 6:29 PM

I may, in fact, be doing spring break in london con mi hermana.... be excited asian boy.


JBrendan | January 18, 2009 at 7:32 PM

ever since classes started i've been like three times as busy as last quarter - so OF COURSE i'll avoid my required reading and instead look at your erudite blog.

Leah | January 19, 2009 at 2:23 AM

'get annoyed at judgmental swans'

this is why i miss/love you (not just because you are asian)

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