Packing Saga, Pt. 56
I'm ALMOST done with packing, which I think is about the hardest part... right?Everyone tells me that I'll buy a ton of stuff there so I'm trying not to bring a lot, but it's difficult to decide what's essential and what's non-essential.
Case in point:

My lacquered wood portrait of Burt Reynolds that I found at a garage sale back in high school and that has since followed me EVERYWHERE (yes, including NYC). After much deliberation and heartache, I've decided not to bring him along. It's especially upsetting because apparently mustaches are making a comeback, but I think it's time we spent some time apart...
I'll miss you, Burt!
It's been strangely awkward telling people that I'm going to Oxford because:
1) I'm never sure if I should assume people know where Oxford is
2) And therefore feel the need to preface with "England"
4) I feel really pretentious stating it
5) I still feel like I'm a little undeserving
So when they say, "Oh, you must be so excited!", my reply is usually incredibly mundane. But I am excited! Promise!
Shalom, suckas! See ya in England!
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