currently obsessed:

Spike Jonze has been keeping a pretty stealth blog, We Love You So, that's featuring all sorts of goodies from his upcoming film, Where the Wild Things Are. Of course, I'm so, so, so excited about it and have been for what seems like the hundreds of years it's been in development. The film's been plagued by problems: over-budget, "too scary" for kids, etc. But I mean, Catherine Keener and Maurice Sendak? How could you go wrong? You can see the trailer here.

However, best of all is all the extraneous stuff he blogs about. I got really excited today when he featured artist Michael C. Hsiung, whose work is whimsical, fantastical, and epic - a bit like a Decembrists song illustrated. Better yet, his work is available locally at the Wonderfair Gallery in Lawrence. Hurry up and get your own print, because I'm sure there's bound to be a boost in popularity now that Jonze has caught on. Me, I already have this one lurking around in my basement.

Oh, Spike - we love you so!


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