O to the BAMA

Nothing much to report on. I'm constantly exhausted - I don't know if it's because of jet lag (still???) or because I've been walking so, so, so much. I'm determined to get a bike...

Except that I'm terrified of Oxford traffic.

Celebrated the inauguration last night by going to King's Arms after the ceremony(K.A., for those in the know!). Got more than a little emotional when they swore him into office. It was a really strange experience watching it with a bunch of British students, but not in a bad way. I think the was a sense of perspective that they brought to proceedings. Alas, there just wasn't the same crazy energy as I'm sure it was like back in the states.

Katie, I know we're not supposed to be going there, but my friend Jenny and I are rapidly and obnoxiously making friends with all the bartenders there. Last night we got a free pint! BEN2!

Other than that, it's just been a LOT of reading. I'm reading Robinson Crusoe right now for my Postcolonial Lit tutorial and several books on Manet and Haussman's Paris for my Art History. As soon as I have some energy, I'll explain how this fandangled tutorial system works. Basically, I have to write a 7-12 pg paper for my primary each week, and one for my secondary every other week. Needless to say, it's going to take some getting used to for such a slow writer like me.

Today I went to an Art lecture on Naturalism and the Third Republic, which coincides nicely with what I've been studying in my AH tutorial. It's the first in a series of lectures, and definitely the first of one of the many lectures throughout Oxford that I'm extremely excited about! The professor has the most beautiful elocution and it's in the Natural History Museum, which is gorgeous. I'll remember to take pics next week!

Actual pictures will hopefully happen soon. I haven't been taking many sadly, but there's a college "fancy dress" party this weekend. They're called "Entz" and supposedly incredibly racous. I'll report back. It's circus-themed this time around - what should I dress up as? Hopefully something offensive as possible.


I want this scarf - AMERICA!


JBrendan | January 21, 2009 at 10:17 PM

i loved aretha franklin's hat.
and i might have almost cried as much as i ever can almost cry.

katherine eileen | January 22, 2009 at 3:26 PM

Well as long as your getting free beer...

Speaking of which, I've got a story for you concerning inauguration day (later). I was in KC and unfortunately it was completely dead almost everywhere. I had to convince a few bartenders / hotel lobbyists to change their channels.

ps if you're heading to the Netherlands this semester, I've got the hook up!

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